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Compressed air vane motors, 800/1000 Watts
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序號 產品編號 名稱 Weight [kg] Length L [mm] Air consumption** [l/min] Stall moment Minimum starting torque [Nm] Nominal torque [Nm] No-load speed Nominal speed Description 售價 訂購數量
1.0 LRDU 800/190 4.4 301 1040* - max. 60.0 max. 60.0 190 119* reversible. not stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥11764.08
2.0 RDR 1000/2265 3.5 258 1470 8.4 6.3 4.2 4.530 2265 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥9580.16
3.0 LRDR 1000/260 4.4 301 1530* - max. 60.0 max. 60.0 260 159* non-reversible. clockwise rotation. not non-stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥11457.76
4.0 RDU 800/250 4.1 281 1000 44.9 33.7 30.6 500 250 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥11764.08
5.0 RDU 800/2000 3.5 258 1000 7.2 5.4 3.8 4.000 2000 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥9886.40
6.0 RDR 1000/410 4.1 281 1470 46.6 35.0 23.3 820 410 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥11457.76
7.0 RDU 800/670 3.7 274 1000 40.2 30.2 11.4 1.340 670 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥11764.08
8.0 RDR 1000/900 3.7 274 1470 21.2 15.9 10.6 1.800 900 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥9580.16
9.0 RDR 1000/500 4.1 281 1470 38.2 27.7 19.1 1.000 500 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥11457.76
10.0 RDR 1000/300 4.1 281 1470 62.8 47.1 31.4 600 300 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥11457.76
11.0 RDU 800/310 4.1 281 1000 40.2 30.2 24.6 620 310 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥11764.08
12.0 RDU 800/400 4.1 281 1000 31.8 23.9 19.1 800 400 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥11764.08
13.0 RDU 800/1000 3.5 258 1000 31.8 23.9 7.6 2.000 1000 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥9886.40
14.0 LRDR 1000/120 4.4 301 1620* - max. 60.0 max. 60.0 120 98* non-reversible. clockwise rotation. not non-stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥11457.76
15.0 LRDU 800/110 4.4 301 1090* - max. 60.0 max. 60.0 110 86* reversible. not stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥11764.08
16.0 LRDR 1000/380 4.4 301 1470* - max. 60.0 max. 60.0 380 153* non-reversible. clockwise rotation. not non-stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥11457.76
17.0 RDU 800/500 3.7 274 1000 44.9 33.7 12.3 1.000 500 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥11764.08
18.0 LRDU 800/60 4.7 327 1120* - max. 60.0 max. 60.0 60 53* reversible. not stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥12186.32
19.0 RDR 1000/1510 3.5 258 1470 12.6 9.5 6.3 3.020 1510 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥9580.16
20.0 LRDR 1000/30 4.4 327 1680* - max. 60.0 max. 60.0 30 28.5* non-reversible. clockwise rotation. not non-stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥11853.04
21.0 RDU 800/800 3.7 274 1000 38.2 28.6 9.5 1.600 800 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥11764.08
22.0 RDR 1000/750 3.7 274 1470 25.4 19.1 12.7 1.500 750 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥9580.16
23.0 LRDR 1000/70 4.7 327 1620* - max. 60.0 max. 60.0 70 62* non-reversible. clockwise rotation. not non-stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥11853.04
24.0 RDU 800/1335 3.5 258 1000 8.4 6.4 5.7 2.670 1335 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥9886.40
25.0 LRDU 800/30 4.7 327 1140* - max. 60.0 max. 60.0 30 28.2* reversible. not stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥12186.32
26.0 LRDU 800/300 4.1 281 1000* - max. 60.0 max. 60.0 300 123* reversible. not stall-resistant. nominal performance: 800 Watt ¥11764.08
27.0 RDR 1000/1130 3.5 258 1470 17.0 12.8 8.5 2.260 1130 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥9580.16
28.0 LRDR 1000/160 4.4 301 1590* - max. 60.0 max. 60.0 160 120* non-reversible. clockwise rotation. not non-stalling. nominal performance: 1000 Watt ¥11457.76
Compressed air vane motors, 800/1000 Watts

*at maximum permissible torque, **at nominal performance
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 5 (Page 323)
All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
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